Seniors Week

September Meeting

Our next meeting will be held Thursday 21 September, 7.00pm at the Railway Station Museum. Short DVD – Kids Thrive interview with Thelma Dowson.
Seniors Week

August Meeting

Our next meeting will be held Thursday 17th August, 7.30pm at the Railway Station Museum. Our guest speaker will have interesting tales to tell of their life’s journey.
Seniors Week

July Meeting

Our next meeting will be held Thursday 20th July – FISH & CHIP NIGHT at 6.00pm at the Railway Station Museum. Our guest speaker will talk about “Whale Tales” in recognition of 100 years of the “Whale Ashore” at Wreck Beach.
Seniors Week

June Meeting

Our next meeting will be held Thursday 15th June at 7.00pm at the Railway Station Museum. Guest speakers – Members’ Memories and short DVD selection of Wonthaggi memories.
Seniors Week

May Meeting

Our next meeting will be held Thursday 18th May at 7.00pm at the Railway Station Museum. Guest speakers – Members’ Memories. A random selection of members (2 or 3) will have the opportunity  to talk about “a tale from the past”. Come prepared !!