News and Events

Annual Memorial Dinner

Annual Memorial Dinner

Our Annual Memorial Dinner to celebrate “FROM WONTHAGGI TECH/HIGH TO ….?” Friday 24th November 2023 at 6.oopm

Seniors Week

Seniors Week

Seniors Festival / History Week Activities During October 2023

September Meeting

September Meeting

Our next meeting will be held Thursday 21 September, 7.00pm at the Railway Station Museum.

August Meeting

August Meeting

Our next meeting will be held Thursday 17th August, 7.30pm at the Railway Station Museum.

July Meeting

July Meeting

Our next meeting will be held Thursday 20th July – FISH & CHIP NIGHT at 6.00pm at the Railway Station Museum.

June Meeting

June Meeting

Our next meeting will be held Thursday 15th June at 7.00pm at the Railway Station Museum

May Meeting

May Meeting

Our next meeting will be held Thursday 18th May at 7.00pm at the Railway Station Museum.

April Meeting

April Meeting

Our next meeting will be held Thursday 20th April at 7.00pm at the Railway Station Museum.